Thursday, October 21, 2010

HMVP SHOW 10/07/2010

With special guest, Adam from Ritual Necromancy and Weregoat.
[[We cut off a bunch of songs at the beginning, so sorry...]]

Listen to the show here (Download):
Or here I think:!index|deletefiles|6414502941289199619|426307462|01_HMVP_SHOW

Knelt Rote- Age
Blasphemy- Blasphemey
Bathory- Reaper
Angelcorpse- Lord of the Funeral Pyre
Dismember- Of Fire
Black Witchery- Unholy Vengenance of War
Hail Of Rage - Blank Effort
Bastard Noise - Me And Hitler
Buzzov*en - Frayed
Darkthrone - Circle the Wagons
hirax - Fear The War Within
Kreator - Storm Of The Beast
Dead Congregation - Teeth Into Red
Sepultura-Mass Hypnosis
Unearthly Trance - Branches of Anti-Gravity
Weregoat - Stench Of Occult Slaughter
Innumerable Forms - Illusory
Kerasphorus - Aosoth Paradigm
Ulver - Hymn 4: Of Wolf and Man
hooded menace - terror castle
discharge - decontrol
slander - careless talk
integrity - all is lost
ringwurm - consumed
say ehy? - compo
scorpions - inherritance